A healthy relationship means having a reliable partner and emotional support. However, a committed relationship is an assurance of having someone to talk to! When you feel emotionally low or depressed, your partner must provide you with all the emotional comfort and support you need. In addition, a healthy relationship involves happiness, support, caring and loving.


A good partner makes you happy and cheerful! Having a partner who is happy in your relationship is a blessing. If you are in a healthy relationship you tend to know that person inside and out. However, without communicating with your partner, you can sense sorrow in her eyes and voice. Moreover, being surrounded by the person you love releases happy hormones (dopamine).


Couples that motivate each other stay together. These are the words of wisdom that an ideal couple can guarantee. However, your partner is your biggest critic, your first motivator and always your source of encouragement. In a healthy relationship, no matter the situation, your partner must always be there for you and guide you through the difficult or happiest moments. In addition, both of you need to support, motivate each other and believe in each other’s capabilities.


In a healthy relationship, partners must encourage each other’s personal growth and well-being. Couples should continually strive to be better versions of themselves. However, in a healthy relationship partners correct each other every time one makes a mistake. Moreover, having the right partner means you are on your journey to being a stronger and wiser person.

If you find yourself struggling with any relationship issues, get in touch with us. Send the word “help” to the following WhatsApp number: +27 60 328 5203 and speak to our friendly consultants. Contact us now to find out more about Mens Clinic International – Relationship issues. To read more about healthy relationships, click here.